If you are not four years old, or the Daddy of a four year old, don’t waste your time here. You can leave now.
“Daddy, what’s bitcoin?”
I’ll bet you don’t know the answer to that one. If you can’t be bothered to read on, sit your toddler in front of a YouTube video, and let someone else do the hard work.
Example: Video — this little boy is learning about bitcoin, distributed ledger technologies and blockchains on YouTube.
Son: “Daddy, what’s bitcoin?”
Daddy: “It’s kind of like money”
Son: “But, what’s money?”
Daddy: “It’s what we use to buy things in shops. It looks like this:”
Son: “Is there chocolate inside?”
Daddy “No. Money is made of metal. We give it to the shopkeeper to pay for things”
Son: “Are those bitcoins?”
Daddy: “Not exactly. Those are actually gold coins. They are worth much more than money, but not nearly as much as bitcoins”
Son: “What do bitcoins look like?”
Daddy: “Well, actually… I can’t show you any. You ate all my bitcoins when you were a baby”