I don't get it. If the entire universe had expanded to the size of our solar system within a few seconds, it means that everything must have been moving faster than the speed of light. It takes over 8 minutes for sunlight to reach our planet and several hours to reach the outermost planets.
If the univese is expandîng by 6.5 light years every year, it must be expanding at 6.5 time the speed of light.
If the observable univeres is 46.1 billion. light years in every direction, it means that the size of the univese is at least 92 billion light years across. Yet since the big bang was only 13.8 billion years ago it means that the universe must be expansing at 6.6 times the speed of light.
I don't know much about Eistein or cosmology, so hopefully someone who does can explain in layman's terms why my logic is wrong?